+44 (0)1827 61666
Technologically Advanced Event Registration
Big or small. Free or paid for. Online or on-site.
RefTech is trusted by 1,000's of event organisers.
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Online and On-site Event Registration
Self-managed or project-managed. Fast and seamless. Easy and secure.
RefTech is proven, flexible and reliable.
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The First Badging and Registration Company to be Certified Secure
Registration, badging, scanning, reporting. Your data is totally secure when you choose RefTech.
Trust RefTech, the proven, flexible and reliable providers of self-managed or project-managed online and on-site event registration and badging solutions.
近代物理所ADS强流质子超导直线加速器样机研制取得进展 ...:2021-12-1 · 加速器驱动次临界洁净核能系统(Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System-ADS),由强流质子加速器、高功率散裂靶和次临界反应堆构成。 作为 ADS 装置的三大子系统之一,射频超导直线加速器实现平均流强大于 1mA 的高功率束流稳定运行,一直是国际加速器领域的挑战。
We have a range of on-site registration systems to help organisers choose a fast, seamless front of house service to match their needs.
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We can provide various badge materials in various sizes. They can be printed in advance or on-site at an event.
Our scanning systems can be used to report on event attendance or verify delegates in the way that best suits your needs.
观一展而知天下新车 2021日内瓦车展前瞻_新车_汽车频道 ...:2021-2-4 · 国际五大车展,论参展车型的数量和质量应以日内瓦车展居首,1月北美车厂余热还没消退,3月日内瓦又要来一大波。就目前的情况看,本届日内瓦的重磅新车依旧规模宏大,具体有多少,自己往下看看表就知道了。
We have been awarded ISO/IEC 27001:2017 certification throughout the company - the first event badging and registration company to achieve this important status.
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