Professor Rochelle Newman Named as Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences has honored Professor and Chair Rochelle Newman of the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences on being named as a Distinguished Scholar-Teacher for 2020–21.
Professor Rochelle Newman Named as Distinguished Scholar-Teacher - Read more
Undergraduate Research Day 2020!
Undergraduate Research Day 2020!
Congratulations to Marina Cox and Danielle Zukerman for being selected as the 2020 recipients of the Karin E. Young Memorial Scholarship for students interested in pursuing a degree in Audiology!
New Grant from the National Science Foundation!
Congratulations to Associate Professor Yi Ting Huang for having been awarded a new grant from the National Science Foundation! The grant explores how the sudden changes in social and economic circumstances that have resulted from COVID19 impact children's language-learning environments. This funding is via a special, rapid research response mechanism.