We proudly work with some of the most respected charity and nonprofit organizations in the world. We work hard to ensure that the maximum funds are raised from your vehicle donation, so that your contribution makes the most impact for your charity. Keep in mind, as an added benefit to you, your contribution may be eligible for a charitable tax deduction!

We accept most cars, trucks, boats and personal watercraft, RVs and motorhomes, trailers, motorcycles, off-road vehicles and more!
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Welcome to our new charity partner Nebraska Humane Society! NHS provides shelter and medical services to animals in the Omaha, NE community. The organization is the fifth oldest and one of the largest humane societies in the United States. Have a car to donate? Start your vehicle donation to Nebraska Humane Society now!
In supporting only nonprofit organizations that use the proceeds of your vehicle donation to make the biggest difference in someone’s life, Car Donation Wizard ensures that every dollar raised goes towards its intended cause. Keep in mind that while there are hundreds of thousands of organizations that accept car donations, there are none that return between 75 and 80% of the gross dollar from each car donation back to the charity like we do. Don’t be fooled by organizations that return 50-70% of the net proceeds, trust only the best car donation program! Still looking for more information? Visit our donation tips, FAQ, or about us pages, or reach out to us by phone at (877) 957-2277 if you have questions about charity funding or returns.
We take all types of vehicles, running, non-running, classics, lightly used and even the end of life vehicles. Did you know that automobile is the most heavily recycled consumer product? We work with a comprehensive network of nationwide, professional vehicle recyclers that can responsibly recycle your vehicle. Help turn your end of life vehicle donation into re-usable steel. For more information on recycling your car, visit our environment page.