
New Words for Radiology Residents During COVID-19
COVID-19 brought with it a new lexicon of phrases to describe daily resident life.

An Action-Based Radiology Residency for COVID-19
Lei Yu details an eventful residency at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

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Linda Moy explains how breast examinations can be tailored for specific clinical indications.

Radiologists, Now More than Ever
“In the middle of this crisis, there are blinking flashes of creativity going off like lightbulbs.”

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InPractice spoke with AJR’s soon-to-be editor in chief.

From the AJR Files: COVID-19
Patrick Colletti summarizes the latest findings from AJR’s COVID-19 collection.

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Insights from the new Associate Executive Director of Diagnostic Radiology for the ABR on board certification.

An Emergency Radiologist’s Perspective on Traumatic Vascular Injuries
Get new insights on vascular morbidity and mortality in the emergency department.

The Evolution of Thyroid Cancer Theranostics
Arif Sheikh, Leonie Gordon, Don Yoo, et al. on combining imaging with therapy.

Teleradiology’s Second Act
Long-distance diagnosis has been dialed into imaging for some 30 years.