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中华人民共和国商务部 - · 商务部12335一站式服务平台利用12335热线(35 谐音商务)、网络(、线下活动等渠道免费为我国企业特别是中小企业提供信息咨询、企业在境外受到不公正待遇的投诉、人才培育基地建设、小微企业创业支持等一站式服务。
Big Rapids, Mich. - For the second consectuive year, former Ferris State University men's golf standout Ben Cook will compete in the PGA Championship set for later this week, Aug....
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18岁的深信服 被低估的安全领路人-IT频道-国际在线:2021-5-18 · 成立于2021年的深信服,如今刚好步入18岁的成人礼。就在昨天,深信服登陆创业板,为青春期的历程留下了最珍贵的一个印记。 和我一样,很多人对深信服的了解,都是从安全领域开始的。在这个领域,深信服从一开始就没有选择“跟随&r
Big Rapids, Mich. - The home of Ferris State University's NCAA Division I men's ice hockey program, Big Rapids, has received acclaim yet again as it continues to be tabbed as one...
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Ferris State Tennis Teams Garner ITA Academic Recognition
Big Rapids, Mich. - Both the Ferris State University men's and women's tennis teams along with a total of 11 student-athletes have earned recognition for their athletic and...
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Two Of NCAA Division II's Top Football Programs Announce Four-Year Scheduling Agreement
Big Rapids, Mich. - Two of NCAA Division II's top collegiate football programs will continue to square off for the near future as Ferris State University has announced a four-year...
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New Central Collegiate Hockey Association Welcomes the University of St. Thomas
不同意安装条款就没法使用?新法规对APP霸王条款说“不 ...:2021-6-16 · 目前,《数据安全管理办法》正在征求公众意见,大家可以在6月28日之前,登录“中国政府法制信息网”(网址字幕 ),进入首页的“立法意见征集”区,提出自己的宝贵意见和建议,一起来完善这部法规,以更好地保护我们的网络个人信息。
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Bulldog Hockey Set For 34th Annual Alumni & Friends Golf Outing This Saturday
Big Rapids, Mich. - Ferris State University Athletics will welcome alumni, friends and fans at Ferris State Hockey’s 34th annual golf outing on Saturday, Aug. 1, at Katke...
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Ferris State Announces Appointment Of Jack Dunlap As Assistant Athletic Trainer
Big Rapids, Mich. - Ferris State University has announced the recent appointment of Jack Dunlap as an Assistant Athletic Trainer for the Bulldogs.
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Ferris State Athletics Statement In Regards To GLIAC Announcement
A statement from Ferris State University Athletics regarding the GLIAC announcement in regards to the fall sports season.

北京警方部署开展网上秩序打击整治“净网2021”专项行动-中工 ...:2021-5-21 · 央视网消息:为深入贯彻落实全国公安机关网上秩序打击整治“净网2021”专项行动工作部署,北京市公安局自5月起至12月底,在全市集中开展“净网 ...

Men's Ice Hockey

Women's Tennis


Men's Ice Hockey

Men's Ice Hockey

February 7, 2020
The Huge Show - Ferris State Football Signing Day Interview
Ferris State Football head coach Tony Annese talks about the Bulldogs' 2020 recruiting class following National Signing Day on the Huge Show.
February 1, 2020
NCAA Frozen Four Radio Spot - 2020 In Detroit
A radio spot promoting the 2020 NCAA Hockey Frozen Four In Detroit this April.
December 12, 2019
FSU Podcast Series: ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita w/Travis Russell
ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita talks with Bulldog Football senior QB Travis Russell about the NCAA Playoffs and his career as part of the FSU Podcast series.
December 10, 2019
Bulldog Report w/iHeart Media's Bret Bakita (Update #12)
iHeart Media's Bret Bakita updates fans on the latest in Bulldog Athletics as part of WOOD Radio's morning show in Grand Rapids.
December 7, 2019
Ferris State Friday's On The Huge Show - Coach Tony Annese
The weekly Ferris State Friday's segment airing statewide on The Huge Show featuring Bulldog Athletics. This week's guest is Tony Annese (Football) with a preview of the D2...
December 4, 2019
FSU Coaches Corner Podcast: ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita w/Tia Brandel-Wilhelm
盘点极易泄露信息的不良习惯 很多人都这么粗心_新闻中心 ...:2021-9-18 · 2021国家网络安全宣传周系列动漫⑤——日常交流篇 建了聊天群后却不精心管理、对敏感资料随意上传转发、打印资料不注意及时清除存档 ...
Bulldog Report w/iHeart Media's Bret Bakita (Update #11)
iHeart Media's Bret Bakita updates fans on the latest in Bulldog Athletics as part of WOOD Radio's morning show in Grand Rapids.
November 30, 2019
重庆:擅自"翻墙"上境外网站 责令停止联网并警告 - 国际在线 ...:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公众信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。 对故意输入计算机病毒、有害数据的,初次违法,且未实际危害计算机系统安全的,处以警告。
The Bulldog Sports Network's Conner Pyrc previews the action for The Sports Project radio show that airs Saturday mornings in Grand Rapids.
甘肃省城乡居民社会养老保险信息系统一体化解决方案 中国 ...:2021-9-2 · 建立覆盖城乡居民社会养老保险制度是完善我国社会保障制度的一项重要制度,也是统筹城乡社会保障体系建设的重要内容。做好城乡居民社会养老保险业务信息化支撑,实现业务经办及管理的精细化、科学发、信息化管理,是推动新时期、新形势下社会保障工作科学发展的必然需要。
内外贯通 Windows 7下架设VPN双向通道 - 国际在线:2021-7-7 · 也有很多企业使用VPN通道,看重的是VPN可以对数据进行几倍加密达到安全使用互联网的目的。 还很多大型企业选择VPN,支撑他们与远程用户、公司分支机构、商业伙伴及供应商同公司的内部网建立可信的安全连接,还可以经济有效地连接到商业伙伴和用户的安全外联网虚拟专用网。
November 18, 2019
Bulldog Report w/iHeart Media's Bret Bakita (Update #11)
iHeart Media's Bret Bakita updates fans on the latest in Bulldog Athletics as part of WOOD Radio's morning show in Grand Rapids.
November 15, 2019
Ferris State Friday's On The Huge Show - Coach Andy Bronkema
The weekly Ferris State Friday's segment airing statewide on The Huge Show featuring Bulldog Athletics. This week's guest is Andy Bronkema (Basketball).
November 15, 2019
FSU Coaches Corner Podcast: ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita w/Tony Annese
ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita talks with Ferris State Football head coach Tony Annese about the 2019 season, the GLIAC Championship and upcoming postseason play as part of the Ferris...
November 11, 2019
Bulldog Report w/iHeart Media's Bret Bakita (Update #10)
武雪梅:苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - 天前 · VPN即虚拟专用网络,其主要功能是在公用网络上建立专用网络进行加密通信。 其实早在今年1月中下旬工信部就要求,在信息技术、云计算、大数据蓬勃发展的大背景下,要防止无序发展的苗头,依法查处无证经营、超范围经营等违法行为,强化网络信息安全管理,维护公平有序的市场环境。
November 9, 2019
Bulldog Sports Update On The Sports Project Radio Show (Episode #10)
The Bulldog Sports Network's Conner Pyrc previews the action for The Sports Project radio show that airs Saturday mornings in Grand Rapids.
November 8, 2019
Ferris State Friday's On The Huge Show - Anchor Bone Classic Preview
The weekly Ferris State Friday's segment airing statewide on The Huge Show featuring Bulldog Athletics. This week's guest is Tony Annese (Football).
November 6, 2019
18岁的深信服 被低估的安全领路人-IT频道-国际在线:2021-5-18 · 成立于2021年的深信服,如今刚好步入18岁的成人礼。就在昨天,深信服登陆创业板,为青春期的历程留下了最珍贵的一个印记。 和我一样,很多人对深信服的了解,都是从安全领域开始的。在这个领域,深信服从一开始就没有选择“跟随&r
ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita talks with the Voice of the Bulldogs Rob Bentley and previews the Anchor-Bone Classic as part of the Ferris State Coaches Corner podcast series.
Bulldog Report w/iHeart Media's Bret Bakita (Update #9)
iHeart Media's Bret Bakita updates fans on the latest in Bulldog Athletics as part of WOOD Radio's morning show in Grand Rapids.
November 2, 2019
Bulldog Sports Update On The Sports Project Radio Show (Episode #9)
The Bulldog Sports Network's Conner Pyrc previews the action for The Sports Project radio show that airs Saturday mornings in Grand Rapids.
November 1, 2019
Ferris State Friday's On The Huge Show
The weekly Ferris State Friday's segment airing statewide on The Huge Show featuring Bulldog Athletics. This week's guest is Tia Brandel-Wilhelm (Volleyball).
October 31, 2019
FSU Coaches Corner Podcast: ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita w/Kendra Faustin
ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita talks with women's basketball head coach Kendra Faustin as part of the Ferris State Coaches Corner podcast.
October 29, 2019
Bulldog Report w/iHeart Media's Bret Bakita (Update #8)
iHeart Media's Bret Bakita updates fans on the latest in Bulldog Athletics as part of WOOD Radio's morning show in Grand Rapids.
October 26, 2019
Bulldog Sports Update On The Sports Project Radio Show (Episode #8)
The Bulldog Sports Network's Conner Pyrc previews the action for The Sports Project radio show that airs Saturday mornings in Grand Rapids.
October 25, 2019
Ferris State Friday's On The Huge Show
The weekly Ferris State Friday's segment airing statewide on The Huge Show featuring Bulldog Athletics.
October 24, 2019
FSU Coaches Corner Podcast: ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita w/Jared Kelsh
ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita talks with Bulldog track and field/cross country coach Jared Kelsh as part of the Ferris State Coaches Corner podcast.
October 21, 2019
Bulldog Report w/iHeart Media's Bret Bakita (Update #7)
iHeart Media's Bret Bakita updates fans on the latest in Bulldog Athletics as part of WOOD Radio's morning show in Grand Rapids.
October 19, 2019
最新!SDP入选Gartner 2021 CSO最应投入的十大安全项目:2021-6-29 · 摘要:第24届Gartner安全与风险管理峰会近日召开,会上分享了2021年Gartner向安全团队建议的十大新项目,SDP(软件定义边界)榜上有名。传统网络安全实践总是落后攻击一步,企业首席安全官们始终忙于追赶。黑客从侵入到被发现的平均驻留时间是99天。
The Bulldog Sports Network's Conner Pyrc previews the action for The Sports Project radio show that airs Saturday mornings in Grand Rapids.
October 17, 2019
远程接入技术难尽人意 应用虚拟化锋芒毕露 - · 其次,在传统的远程接入模式中,客户端和服务器端需要传送应用程序相关的数据记录,如数据库的查询结果集等,这就对数据在网络上的传输安全提出了较高的要求,通常采用VPN加密、SSL加密等技术来保证应用数据的安全,众所周知,这些技术不能确保数据
ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita talks with Bulldog men's basketball coach Andy Bronkema as part of the Ferris State Coaches Corner podcast.
Bulldog Report w/iHeart Media's Bret Bakita (Update #6)
iHeart Media's Bret Bakita updates fans on the latest in Bulldog Athletics as part of WOOD Radio's morning show in Grand Rapids.
Ferris State Friday's On The Huge Show
The weekly Ferris State Friday's segment airing statewide on The Huge Show featuring Bulldog Athletics.
October 9, 2019
FSU Coaches Corner Podcast: ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita w/Mark Doren
ESPN 96.1 FM's Bret Bakita talks with Bulldog Tennis Coach Mark Doren as part of the Ferris State Coaches Corner podcast.
Ferris State Alum Ben Cook To Compete In This Week's PGA Championship
Men's Golf
Home Of Ferris State Hockey Featured Among "America's Best Hockey Towns"
Men's Ice Hockey
Women's Tennis
Two Of NCAA Division II's Top Football Programs Announce Four-Year Scheduling Agreement
New Central Collegiate Hockey Association Welcomes the University of St. Thomas
Men's Ice Hockey
Bulldog Hockey Set For 34th Annual Alumni & Friends Golf Outing This Saturday
Men's Ice Hockey
Ferris State Announces Appointment Of Jack Dunlap As Assistant Athletic Trainer
NCAA D2 Nation-Leading Seven Ferris State Alums To Compete In NFL Preseason Camps
GLIAC Opts For Conference-only Fall Schedule And Will Evaluate Each Sport's Feasibility
Mayhew Named to Minnesota Wild's NHL Playoff Roster
Men's Ice Hockey
疫情催生远程办公提前普及 网络安全规划缺位或将致灾难性 ...:2021-3-3 · 来源标题: 疫情催生远程办公提前普及 网络安全规划缺位或将致灾难性后果 每一次波及全社会的重大事件,都会对某些行业产生革命性的影响。 17 ...
Live Events
Men's Ice Hockey
School | Conf | Overall |
vpn数据安全 | 20-3-1 | 26-4-2 |
Bemidji State | 18-4-2 | 18-8-4 |
Northern Michigan | vpn数据安全 | 16-12-4 |
Alaska | 12-9-5 | 14-13-5 |
Michigan Tech | 13-11-2 | 18-14-3 |
vpn数据安全 | 10-10-4 | 15-13-4 |
Lake Superior State | 8-12-4 | 10-20-4 |
Alaska Anchorage | vpn数据安全 | 4-20-6 |
Ferris State | 5-17-2 | vpn数据安全 |
Alabama Huntsville | 2-16-6 | vpn数据安全 |
North Division Standings
School | Conf | vpn数据安全 |
Ferris State | 16-4 | vpn数据安全 |
Michigan Tech | 14-6 | 23-8 |
Northern Michigan | 9-11 | 13-17 |
Lake Superior State | 9-11 | 12-16 |
Wisconsin-Parkside | 6-14 | 10-18 |
Purdue Northwest | 5-15 | 10-18 |
School | Conf | Overall |
Grand Valley State | 15-5 | 23-7 |
Davenport | 11-9 | 17-12 |
Ashland | 10-10 | 17-12 |
vpn数据安全 | 11-9 | 18-13 |
Saginaw Valley State | 10-10 | 16-13 |
Wayne State | 4-16 | 7-17 |
School | vpn数据安全 | Overall |
Ferris State | 15-5 | 21-8 |
Wisconsin-Parkside | 12-8 | 16-14 |
Northern Michigan | 10-10 | 13-16 |
Michigan Tech | 9-11 | 11-17 |
Purdue Northwest | 5-15 | 6-23 |
Lake Superior State | 4-16 | 8-19 |
South Division Standings
School | vpn数据安全 | Overall |
Ashland | 20-0 | 31-0 |
Grand Valley State | vpn数据安全 | 28-3 |
Wayne State | 9-11 | 16-14 |
vpn数据安全 | 8-12 | 12-17 |
Northwood | vpn数据安全 | 10-18 |
Davenport | vpn数据安全 | 7-21 |
School | Conf | Overall |
Ferris State | 8-0 | vpn数据安全 |
Wayne State | 7-1 | 8-3 |
Ashland | 6-2 | 7-4 |
Grand Valley State | 5-3 | 8-3 |
Davenport | 3-5 | 5-5 |
vpn数据安全 | 3-5 | 5-5 |
Saginaw Valley State | 3-5 | 5-6 |
Northwood | 1-7 | 1-10 |
Northern Michigan | 0-8 | 1-9 |
vpn数据安全 | Conf | Overall |
Grand Valley State | 9-0 | 25-1 |
Ashland | 7-2 | 14-5-1 |
Saginaw Valley State | 7-2 | 12-7 |
vpn数据安全 | 5-3-1 | 13-5-2 |
Northwood | 5-4 | 9-9 |
Davenport | 4-3-2 | 6-9-2 |
Wisconsin-Parkside | 2-6-1 | 7-11-1 |
vpn数据安全 | 2-7 | 5-10-1 |
vpn数据安全 | 2-7 | 5-13 |
Purdue Northwest | 0-9 | 2-14-1 |
School | Conf | Overall |
Saginaw Valley State | 16-16 | 28-24 |
Grand Valley State | 24-6 | 51-10 |
Davenport | 22-10 | 32-21 |
Ashland | vpn数据安全 | 33-23 |
Northwood | 17-15 | 31-26-1 |
Wayne State | 15-17 | 34-25 |
Purdue Northwest | 14-18 | vpn数据安全 |
Ferris State | 11-21 | 20-34 |
vpn数据安全 | 5-25 | 8-44 |
School | Conf | vpn数据安全 |
Wayne State | 8-0 | 21-4 |
vpn数据安全 | 6-2 | 16-9 |
Ferris State | 6-2 | 11-12 |
Northwood | 5-3 | 13-10 |
Lake Superior State | 4-4 | 6-9 |
Ashland | 3-5 | 13-12 |
Davenport | 3-5 | 10-10 |
Purdue Northwest | 1-7 | vpn数据安全 |
Michigan Tech | 0-8 | 2-13 |
School | vpn数据安全 | Overall |
Wayne State | 9-0 | 17-3 |
Grand Valley State | 8-1 | 14-2 |
Michigan Tech | 7-2 | 10-7 |
Ferris State | 6-3 | 11-9 |
Northwood | 4-5 | 6-12 |
Ashland | 3-6 | 11-14 |
vpn数据安全 | 3-6 | 4-13 |
Purdue Northwest | 2-7 | vpn数据安全 |
Lake Superior State | 2-7 | 2-9 |
vpn数据安全 | 1-8 | 3-17 |
vpn数据安全 | Conf | Overall |
Ferris State | 14-2 | 25-6 |
Michigan Tech | 13-3 | 24-8 |
Saginaw Valley State | 12-4 | 20-9 |
Northern Michigan | 8-8 | vpn数据安全 |
Northwood | vpn数据安全 | vpn数据安全 |
vpn数据安全 | 2-14 | 8-19 |
vpn数据安全 | Conf | vpn数据安全 |
Ashland | 13-3 | 24-7 |
Wayne State | 9-7 | 17-12 |
Grand Valley State | 8-8 | 13-15 |
Davenport | 6-10 | vpn数据安全 |
Wisconsin-Parkside | 6-10 | 11-19 |
Purdue Northwest | 0-16 | 3-26 |